Friday, May 11, 2018

blog stage 8

I agree with Alianna's opinion 100% my last post was almost a like. the Government will only do thing when its convinient to them they hardly reach out when me beg for help. the fact that were not the only ones that think this way and believe they only promise us so much just for a vote and at the end never full accomplish this is bad for society. I on the other hand believe things will change because its getting to a point where things are too bad and somebody will stand up for us. Yes, all we can do is wait but I honestly do hope and believe this will soon get better back to the way they were. great post by the way I'm sure will have a good outcome at the end of all this waiting save the best for last is what they always say. 

Thursday, April 26, 2018

Will the Court Stand Up to Donald Trump? Blog 7

Editorial found on New York Times by The Editorial Board released on April 23.

Starting with the Trump v Hawaii a challenge to the legality and constitutionality of President Trump’s travel ban. Which indefinitely bars 150 million people majority of them Muslim, from entering the United States. The White House has learned from its early mistakes that the original order which landed one week after Mr. Trump took office and barred entry by all citizens of seven majority-Muslim countries, was marked by such haste and dubious reasoning that it ran immediately in trouble with federal judges across the country and intense public outcry. Could the president be privy to inform the rest of us are not? In my opinion yes he could! Although it might not be in our power to do something the President should still hear the screaming voices because those people out there screaming and fighting have a reason well enough to be heard I voices should matter. Were the ones out there in the real world without protection. Do you think president Donald Trump should have legal authority to issue this sort of ban? Honestly I don’t think so. The three-judge panel of the appeals court ruled that while federal immigration law gives the president the authority to temporarily bar certain classes of noncitizens from entering a sweeping, indefinite ban like Trump has exceeded. According to this Mr. Trump can exclude whomever he wants in order to protect the country from attack, and no judge may second-guess him.

Mr. Trump is surrounded by anti immigrant hard-liners, including his attorney general, Jeff Sessions, who donated one of his favorite staffers, a zealot named Stephen Miller, to help draft the ban. Although no one from the court seems to be happy with Mr.Trumps decisions they have faced this challenge before back in the World War 2. Today, in the face of an executive order again based on racial animus and unfounded fears, the justices have the chance to deliver a very different message about executive power and the meaning of America.

Friday, April 13, 2018

peer commentary

I couldn’t agree more with what Alianna had to say about our US National Government Blog 5.  “Although people want to see change I do not believe anything will change soon, because they are used to having the same routine.” I had not thought about it in this way till now. Truthfully it hurts to think this way but it’s the truth the Government and the President has promised so many changes and we haven’t seen any. Things just keep getting worse in time and there is nothing we can do about it but to hope for the best outcome. They promise us one thing in exchange for our votes so that they can have a place in the office although some don’t come through. Everything about the Government is corrupted we’ve had many hidden secrets from them causing us to think the way we do about them.

Monday, March 26, 2018

Tough Action on Russia, at Last, but More Is Needed

New York Times explains that by expelling scores of Russians from the United States and 21 other countries President Donald Trump and allied leaders have imposed the most significant punishment yet on Russia and its leader, Vladimir Putin. On March 26, 2018 editorial By The Editorial Board discusses “it’s a move that is well overdue for Mr. Trump” Mr. Trump may finally have to deal with the threat Mr. Putin poses to the United States and its allies. The Expulsion orders retaliate specifically for the poisoning of a former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal. As for the Americans it includes 12 identified people as Russian intelligence officers at the U.S Nations in New York and 48 and the Russian Embassy! Mr. Putin almost will retaliate continuing a downward spiral in Russian- American relations unheard of since the Cold War.
That will further disrupt the ability of the two nations to work on serious challenges. Like ending the war in Syria and defusing a new nuclear arms race. As it gets more difficult for Mr. President Trump to remain passive in the face of Russian aggression not so long ago on March 15, trump imposed sanctions on a series of Russian organizations. Even know our President is trying to distance himself from the expulsion order issued in his name?

The United States and its allies must stay United with each other Mr. Putin’s nefarious activities and holding him accounted. Russians should pay the price for using such type of weapons but Mr. Trump hasn’t done much to help. Trump orders a comprehensive campaign to repair weaknesses in the American electoral system and prevent tampering in future elections.

Friday, March 9, 2018

NRA sues Florida over gun law that rises minimum age to buy firearms.

Recent news for Florida on March 9, 2018 CBS NEWS reports another gun control issue NRA sues Florida over gun Law. Rick Scott has signed saying it violates the Second Amendment by rising the age to buy guns from 18-21. The new measures come in the wake of the February 14, shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida that killed 17 people. Its crazy how these stories keep growing all over the world one after another shooting at schools the one place where students should be safe is becoming a dangerous zone.  Providing teachers with guns is in my opinion the worst they can do. Schools should be gun free area no matter the gun control why would any student or teacher need a gun in campus. This is a topic that will continue to grow as they keep passing the law.
Andrew Pollack father of Meadow Pollack student that was killed at school gives the best advice we should all work on he says besides the gun control being an issue we should all get together and march with each other to make schools safe again. No parent should fear dropping of his or her kid at school. Lawyers for the NRA want a federal judge to block the new age restriction from taking effect. The new legislation raises the minimum age to buy rifles from 18 to 21. 

Friday, February 23, 2018

Mental Health Problems Having To Do With The Mass Shootings.

On February 23, 2018 The Los Angeles Times published an OP-ED article titled “Actually, there is a clear link between mass shootings and mental illness” this article was written by Grant Duwe and Michael Rocque. This article briefly talks about how they think mass public shootings are strictly a mental health problem rather than a gun problem. I agree its possible for the mass shooting to be both a gun and mental health problem but that shouldn’t be the reason we the people should feel bad or sorry for the shooter. In Florida’s mass shooting they talk about how the kids adoptive parents had passed away and was now being cared by a close family member of the adoptive mom. The family described him as odd and very distinct as to his brother who was always playing and being active. Right away you know it’s a problem in the house maybe the shooter didn’t feel welcomed? Maybe he wasn’t getting enough attention? Maybe he felt alone ever since his adoptive parents passed away? Many mental problems come from once roof so in my opinion this could have been avoided if the shooter felt more loved by his family I might be wrong about that but every one will have their way of thinking.

"According to the research 59% of the 185 public mass shootings that took place in the U.S. from 1900-2017 were carried out by diagnosed people with mental disorder."  

In a way I do agree with the author of this article that mental health has a lot to do with the decisions the mass shooters take. His intensions were to get the audience to focus more on how we can treat mental health and help those in need. Yes, we all agree guns are bad and how its crazy now a days how students can carry guns and little kids can purchase them like nothing if they have a license honestly they can even get a gun with out a license.  Having back-to-back mass shootings in school has made it scary for all students to attend school. School is the one place we should all feel protected. What I’m about to say may not have anything to do with mass shootings its just crazy to me how one can get pull over or fined for smoking a cigarette in campus its ok to have guns with you in campus? Out of subject but that’s crazy to me. Back to the subject I strongly believe stopping gun control and focusing on mental health would help a lot in preventing another shoot out.